Sunday 3 March 2013


        The book me and my group is reading is the jade peony, we chose the book because we all are chinese and we had a strong feeling for the things in the book. The jade peony follows a Chinese Canadian family in Vancouver around the time of World War II, through the eyes of the three youngest children of the family. The story draws on the history of Chinese labourers on the railway, the perpetual navigations of and tensions caused by cultural difference, perceptions of Japanese Canadians, and other national and cultural identifications dominant at the time. When i started reading the book i had a question in my head forming, how was the immigrants treated like at the time? were they treated unfairly? how are immigrants treated differently from others now? It came in my mind since I strongly hate racism, either its white bullying yellow or black, or yellow colored people geting in groups to isolate other colored people. I dislike it very much and people are trying to stop it, we see signs everywhere about it, its gotten better from before and people don't say racist things out loud now. but its still happening , we see it sometimes in the eyes of people, maybe how the person talked and we see it allot now in games. when people have their identity hidden their personalty might change a bit or more, some turn nicer to others, some selfish and some speak and do things they would not do in realty. racism is one of that actions, whites killing asian country players for fun or making fun of them and isolating them, then the asians gang up as a very large group and just wipe out the white people in servers and places just because the asians have more people and some have more skills they dislike all the other races. it happens everyday, i see it everyday, and when we think of racism in canada we usually think about immigrants treated unfairly. In the book we find out that the chinese families that came from china to get jobs in canada, thinking that they would have a better opportunity to get money and send the money back to their families in china that are poor or starving don't even get enough money to move back to china and people are starving in canada. The immigrants got less money then the people that where originally here and they where often tricked from words, government saying to give large amounts of money for a job and then when you do the job they take large amounts of the pay for certain reasons like food fee and shelter fee and if you don't want the food or shelter they give, then you starve to death leaving no choice to get the money left from all the money they toke, which is really just nothing at all. Today we don't have these issues anymore, we see that people are usually treated equally in payment or work amount, but in certain places still theres immigration and race discriminate. Some do very hard work and only get payed very little for certain reasons, but they still do it because its the only income they get. But for the more and more imaginations are getting treated nicely and like others, still we see some signs that people dislike or discriminate other races and immigrants in their eyes or hiding deeply in their hearts. Waiting for a world that theres no more discrimination in anyones heart or soul.

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